The Mission’s Committee will be hosting a talent show fundraiser to support this summer’s Hawai and Panama mission trips. The talent show will be on Friday, June 16th, at 6 p.m. at Riverview Baptist Church. Donations of any amount will be the admission fee.
The committee would encourage everyone to come out and help support our short-term mission efforts. In addition, we need talented people and acts of all kinds to sign up as performers. Participants’ talents can be anything from singing, playing an instrument, drama, comedy, or anything in between. It’s going to be a great night of fun and fellowship. Hope we can count on seeing you there.
Interested talent may sign up by speaking to any member of the Mission’s Committee ( Victor, Mario Mendoza, Erica Jeffords. Cheryl Yeisley, Freida Beall, Teresa McCain, and Shayna Hendrix).
You may also contact the church office for more information.